


​​​​Enrolment Form.pdf​​​​Download the ​Enrolment Form​.  Please contact us to find out more about the enrolment process.

Enrolling your child

Enrolling your child at Ipswich West State School is an important decision.  The Department of Education provides important information to help you when choosing a state school.

You may also request an enrolment meeting and tour with the Principal or Head of Curriculum Student Services to find out more about the school.  Information sessions are held throughout the year and are advertised in the local newspaper.  Newsletters and the annual report, available on the school website, will give you further information about our school and activities.

Ipswich West State School has a maximum Student Enrolment Capacity of 260 students.  The School Enrolment Management Plan outlines how applications for enrolment are to be considered.

To determine when your child can commence their prep year, view the prep enrolments table.  About prep is available to help parents/carers prepare for enrolment in the Prep year. Early or delayed entry to Prep are options which may be considered in specific circumstances and where it is in a child's best educational interest.  These options should be discussed with the Principal or Head of Curriculum Student Services.

Enrolment process

To enrol your child, contact school office staff to: 

  • Check your child’s enrolment eligibility in accordance with the School Enrolment Management Plan
  • Complete an Application for Student Enrolment, answering all questions on the form marked with an (*)
  • Acknowledge receipt and understanding of:
    • expectations of enrolment agreement (by voluntary signing)
    • Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students, Student Dress Code and other school policies, programs and services
  • If enrolling your child as a new in-catchment enrolment provide current proof of residency at the address indicated by way of one of each of the following:
    • one primary source - a current lease agreement, or rates notice, or unconditional sale agreement
    • one secondary source - a utility bill (e.g. electricity, gas) showing this same address and parent's/legal guardian's name.
  • If enrolling your child for the first time in a state school, provide his/her original birth certificate, passport or visa for copying
  • If moving from interstate or overseas to Queensland, discuss with administration staff the appropriate year level for your child. This will usually be determined by his/her chronological age
  • Provide
    • relevant information about your child’s educational needs from other agencies or other professionals.
    • a certified copy of any relevant current Family Court or other court orders concerning the welfare, safety or parenting arrangements for prospective student, if applicable
    • details of symptoms and any associated health management plans if your child has a medical condition
  • If requesting early entry into the prep year, submit an application for Early Entry into Prep Year

Your child’s eligibility to enrol will then be assessed by the Principal and, if successful:

  • an enrolment meeting with the Principal or Head of Curriculum Student Services will be scheduled if it has not been held prior to your application
  • your child’s enrolment will be processed by administrative staff
  • you will be informed of your child’s class and teacher and provided with a booklist and uniform order form.

Once your child’s enrolment has been processed, uniforms purchased and class teacher informed, your child may begin school the next day. 

Last reviewed 27 February 2025
Last updated 27 February 2025